Tuesday, 12 March 2013

response to article

i feel that colour should never be a basis for what a person should or should not do. a person must not be chosen to preform if they are not good enough, ethnic history should not be a basis for decision. likewise i do not think that is is good to have a character preform an ethnicity that is different from themselves as it can be seen as disrespectful. this is a problem i do realise since this causes the dilemma of do i keep true to the story or do i keep true to the skill of the actor in some respect. it is just i personally as an actor would feel sick to have been chosen because of past event rather than the skill of my preformance


Suppleness, flexibility, and sensitivity are the key aims for actors. Peter Brooks points out that it is easy to be sensitive in the fingers and the face, but the actor needs to be sensitive throughout the body, constantly in contact with every inch of it. Sensitivity begets precision. And stage movement requires definition and clarity

Sunday, 3 March 2013



one thing I experienced that few other people in our class is a level of butoh that really showed me the complexity of the control needed in that form of performance. since i was assistant for mark hill i got to SEE instead of DO the activities. in particular the final performance when all the people on stage came together to show their imagination and personality in their movements. with mark hills ensemble and taster workshops he did the performance for all people and each and every time the group as a whole made this beautiful dance that all people were different yet the shadows that were expressed on the wall and everyone moved with each other even if they all had their eyes closed and could not see each other. the thing i like the most about butoh is how much the performance does not require words, the body is the only language needed to display the message. the katakali performance wa very intricate with its makeup, hand geasture and facial expressions and very controlled and precise. that kind of performance is not open to interpretation and has to be done precisely as it was always performed, it seems. the talchum on the other hand was more fun and playful, not saying that katakali wasn't only that there seems to be more of a religious performance rather than a fun cultural one.