Wednesday 29 May 2013

updated tppp

plays acted in
o    last days of judas
o    pajama games
o    good soul of schezwan

plays watched
o    the odyssey
o    gullivers travel
o    black watch
o    apac
o    artefact
o    pina baush

plays read
o    antigone,
o    Eurydice,
o    mother courage
o    love of three oranges

set elements helped in
o    Artifacts- helped build set and paint props
o    lighting for ib play

o    apac
o    seoul performance festival

o    apac
o    mark hill
o    andong

·         JAPANESE
o    butoh
o    kabuki
o    kyogan
o    bunraku
o    underground
o    tadashi Suzuki
·         greek
·         MASK
o    comedia
o    talchum
o    neutral mask
o    found mask
·         physical theatre
·         realism
·         brechtian
·         minimalism
·         modernism
·         post modernism
·         verbadum
·         viewpoints
·         devising
·         directing
·         technical theatre