Monday 18 February 2013

response to mr. black

In consideration to what Mr Black said, i found it very comforting and kind and a little different to what i expected. i believed that our performance was actually not as good as some other IB threatre classes but then again I was never backstage when it came to creating and designing the performance and mr. Black has that privledge to know the difference in fluidity and composition of classes, much like mrs. moon, but with a very hardlined technical design aspect of it, and is another perception on how preformance went. In regard to our production elements I read through the lighting design critique more in depth than in the other elements, and was overall proud in every aspect in accordance to what Mr. Black said. I was particularly proud of lighting given what he said and just in general agreed with what was said, although my agreeing is more in hindsight than it is if i was told durng production (i',m thinking in particular to the bamboo gobos, which probably should have been taken down when we got rid of the tv screen idea, but time was short then). i am also relieved that our blue lighting during the yang sun scene was good in his eyes, because i noticed a lot of problems in regards to visibility of how dark it was and that the scaf emma had turned red when it was meant to be blue (or was it red?).

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