Sunday, 28 April 2013


the pajama game was a very interesting story with a fun beat to it. It was not as symbolic or deeply thought out as judas or a few other musicals people want the school to do, but it was a love story written about 50 years ago with entertainment in mind. the play focused around the cold war era in the 1950's and it did have undercurrents of the problems of gender inequality and the cold war itself, yet that is not the focus of the story. the real idea of the story had more focus on love and the idea that in a relationship, just like salary negotiations, need compromise to work, as well as understanding. at least that is how i interpreted it. the stage design was very well done, capturing the colours and the vibrant feel of the time and transposing it into a factory setting . things like the office and bed room looked , for me, like they were actually in the 1950's with the themes and colours used, and the addition of plants gave it a real feel to it.the physical design of the stage and scene set up was very good, they looked organised and set in place stylistically, however as an actor on stage pushing a rather large basket around, it was annoying when the set up was so crowded i could not get my basket through behind the first row of girls.
i cant really comment on the acting since i was not in the audience but backstage, but from what i saw in group scene while on stage was that people really reacted off of each other and gave it plenty of gusto in keeping the energy of the play up. from what could tell was that the mic and and sound of the play went well overall with few glitches, and i trust that what ever mic glitches did happen, the actors used their projection to compensate, i hope. the musical went very well, it was highly successful with good songs. 

Sunday, 14 April 2013

love of three oranges

Just to get this anecdote out the way, while reading the play I was thinking that this would have been a very fun ib play but then I read the beginning and saw the legal terms and royalty rules and was sad.

This play was very fun to read and unlike other play I usually read, I chuckled a bit. While reading the play I was trying to think of the whole thing with the masks in mind and found it a little hard, because I did not recognise the names of some characters and so was put off guard by that, so instead i imagined it without masks, which seems how it was written. an interesting thing I liked were the physical descriptions or rather the descriptions on how the people must act physically in certain scenarios, it when imagining the scene happening on stage it was very expressive and full of motion, which helped me chuckle as I read the play. the whole comedy and sort of nonsensical nature of the scenes in the play was very symbolic of the plays commedia heritage, but a little more so. the play lacked, for me at least, a sense of tragedy that I expected, it was incredibly comedic and although I know it is not a Shakespearian tragedy, but it din't have a tragic element to me.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Talchum- almost lost, fought to be preserved- recently people have been trying to revive the mask dances in many different regions of Korea.
Respect of nature and freedom of expression
Embodiment of feelings, han-profound grief and sadness, and sinmyeong-joy of art dark to light.
Self expression
Strongly improvisational
Freedom of time and conflict
Madang stage-garden.
Audience participation- panto
                Communial- break barriers between people and characters
Different regions have different styles and colour
Fur shows animal traits
Gourd lovable trickster

Commedia masks
16 century
1:1 on actor to character
Lazzi- physical routine convo, foolish or meatphorical
Verbal riffs- comedy style     grammalot-gibberish
Actor centered theatre- physical, silent films
Tragedy in comedy
Not what but how
Stillness awareness pantomime expression
Teamwork, opportunistic, act with truth

Pantalone-chicken scroogy old manmoney liking
Dottore- pig friend and rival of pantalone- doctor stuttering pedantic doesntknowwaht he talking about\
Harlequin arlecchino-zane-monkey and cat foil, hungery and curious  antithesis of pantalone manipulative
Zane- basal comedy- food drink sex and protest- fish, birds
Innamoratae/ti- human and maskless chest walking ballet fun of drama queen
Capitano –peacock not smart boastful and flamboyant loner
Pulcinella- zane- dorky and humpbacked violent clever pretends stupid or vice versa misshapen
Pedrolino-zane- effemionate male character ocd excitable feelingless loner and depressed
Scaramuccia- zane servants-
Senora- maskless woman prostitute –cougar
Clarice Columbia fontesca-fox- flirty maide  ballet
Scapino-zane-mouse never deeply involved schemer forgetful
Brigiella- zane- corrupt and evil manipulative
Cheat up- look up
Awareness of traits of mask not subtle mask
Never touch the mask nose is eyes

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

my mask

the mask i want to create is a kind of almost surreal version of the neutral mask. a plain white very plastic looking mast with a neutral expression on the face with far more texture on the face like it is an actual face that had all of its colour taken off. the surreal part is that at seven areas of the side of the mask would be pulled out from the centre distorting the face and expressions of the person and coming out like tendrils and interacting with each other. the mask is based off the seven different sins and each tendril acts differently the first is sloth which is the smallest of the tedrils and surrounding it is greed which comes out from two sides of sloth and encompass it like a rainbow then it is lust then envy and these two cross over each other with lust hugging envy and envy pulling towards greed pride is next to these two and stands straight and tall and on its own and next to it is wrath which curves to puncture itself to show its self destructiveness. and is the last and thickest of the tendrils.

Monday, 1 April 2013

creativity is an underestimated commodity

creativity is something people always say we need in our lives but people rarely take the time to stretch their creativity. why, because they do not value it as highly as other aspects and therefore allow themselves little time to be creative. i believe this relates to the article since it is a underestimation of the arts that causes the decline in the availability, a regarding of art as the inferior of the subjects. I personally found the article to be saddening in that respect, that art is seen like this and that it has to have help in the first place is sombre message to me. i have always heard back in south africa how important it was to be creative and to have an inquisitive mind, and it was annoying to have many people shrug off the information that the teachers and spokespeople were giving to us.