Sunday 14 April 2013

love of three oranges

Just to get this anecdote out the way, while reading the play I was thinking that this would have been a very fun ib play but then I read the beginning and saw the legal terms and royalty rules and was sad.

This play was very fun to read and unlike other play I usually read, I chuckled a bit. While reading the play I was trying to think of the whole thing with the masks in mind and found it a little hard, because I did not recognise the names of some characters and so was put off guard by that, so instead i imagined it without masks, which seems how it was written. an interesting thing I liked were the physical descriptions or rather the descriptions on how the people must act physically in certain scenarios, it when imagining the scene happening on stage it was very expressive and full of motion, which helped me chuckle as I read the play. the whole comedy and sort of nonsensical nature of the scenes in the play was very symbolic of the plays commedia heritage, but a little more so. the play lacked, for me at least, a sense of tragedy that I expected, it was incredibly comedic and although I know it is not a Shakespearian tragedy, but it din't have a tragic element to me.

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