Tuesday 24 September 2013


internet- connections
dervishes- dance and rythmn/ scorched moment
Pina Baush
tadashi suzuki- mark hill
Romeo and Juliet shakespeare
bertolt brecht
"The spectator was no longer in any way allowed to submit to an experience uncritically (and without practical consequences) by means of simple empathy with the characters in a play.  The production took the subject matter and the incidents shown and put them through a process of alienation: the alienation that is necessary to all understanding.  When something seems 'the most obvious thing in the world' it means that any attempt to understand the world has been given up."- bertolt brecht
Theo Jansen- Strandbeest

as i start to think through my tppp a bit more i realised some things about my designing focuses and the values i have in relation to design, and i am very scientific. the things i enjoy are methodical and have rules tied to them, if they don't have rules i create them, i saw this in my fascination with lighting and the artwork of theo jansen who is less theatre and more art but it is more of a secondary symbol for me as it is my way of thinking expressed directly as i see some art, as something beautiful created for the purpose of motion, which is another part of theatre i enjoy. dance has a system of rules put in place which each individual responds to and knows what to do with each other to create one beast that is the ensemble- just like each individual part of theo jansen's creations come together to make a moving preformance. basically i think i am not a very good creative designer, but i am a designer with his own merits and style that requires a certain degree of extra thought in order for other creative elements to burst out. it's not i'm a bad designer but that i constrict myself with rules of the world of the play. this is something i want to put forward along with my belief in how everything is connected.

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