Saturday 8 September 2012

I know that this blog is late but now I have seen the Pina Baush movie and as such have a little more to talk about in regards to theatre.

In Mark Hill's session we mainly focused on growing as a group and developing our "VIOLENCE OF ARTICULATION" but the articulation, I felt, wasn't so much articulated. I believe this is due to the fact that something more important was happening, we were growing closer as a class. This is more important due to the fact we need to as a class work well together, and to achieve that we must learn more about each other, which is exactly what we did in the Friday session.

Now for Pina, I can't say much in fear of ruining some parts of the movie, but what I can say is that i have rarely seen dance, or even theatre so expressive without the use of words.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter, glad you got to see Pina. Hope we can discuss that in more detail some day. I am hoping to order it to share with the rest of the class who did not get to go. I am unable to find your Andong blog and that is a big grade. Could you please direct me to where I can find this? Thanks much.
