Sunday 16 September 2012

Mark Hill

I'll start off just by saying that the mark hill experience was by far the best thing for such a large class. The excersizes and the dynamic of the teaching done screamed with teamwork and bonding. with a large class or even cast it is important to support and work together, which is something emphasized in the workshop. furthermore i feel so alive and fulfilled, it was a highly emotional experience for me and I appreciated it very much. as a second time being in the workshop i feel more satisfied with this one due to the amount of time we had to actually work with mark hill.
As a lesson i hope to never forget the skills taught in class about energy, focus shape and architecture to say some. i truly feel that many of these traits will serve well for the autumn play and for the IB play. during the workshop even i could see how we were already applying some of Mark hills rules for physical theatre already, such as the use of Robb hall's backstage and making the stage longer and more subway like.
as a final part i will write the observations i made about all the individuals in the final proformance

sabrina: wonder and pensiveness - a deathly realisation
wally: blank and denial- acceptance of pain
reca: determination and anger - defeat and exhaustion
austin: fear and horror - tired and sore
christian: lust and wanting - rejection and loss
kevin: confusion and bewilderment - queasy disgust
sarah: pain and sorrow - death

i felt these words as i looked at each persons movement and facial expression

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter, I will comment on all of the last three blogs here. First, I am thrilled that you loved the Pina Bausch movie. I would have loved to read more about how the dance/theatre spoke to you personally. As for Mark Hill's workshops, I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of the impact it was having on the ensemble as a whole. I am also glad you included your observations of the Tadashi Suzuki Stomp participants. I would have liked for you to go into a bit more detail regarding what you will take away and how you might apply it in the future. Otherwise, well done. 23....46
