Tuesday 1 October 2013

tppp list and paragraph

list of what to include into tppp:
picture of the internet-driving force

dervishes- got-cultural
sienaar in die suburbs?
pina baush- dance

lighting- got good soul-
bertolt brecht good soul of setchuan
andong- actually doing mask dance
mark hill - tadashi suzuki
maybe get one with daniel foley- shakespeare

symbol paragraph:
My symbol is a picture representing all the connections of the internet, this on it's own is a good theme to have in terms of connecting ideas because it is a symbol of connection. however it is more profound than that because of what connections and the internet represents. the connections are the synthesis that we make and the connections we make in our classes, when we create theatre we are making connections to the world, between ideas, to the audience. the internet on the other hand is a tool for knowledge and for sharing knowledge and this is a theme that i believe all theatre should be about, sharing knowledge with the audience and with each other. how i can use it specifically to string the pictures together however is different. by using this symbol that is specifically about sharing knowledge is kind of the area i can use to express the symbol. the class and my whole theatre experience has been me collecting knowledge about what i can and then sharing it, notably with my family, and two of whom already know what i'm talking about so we discuss instead.

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